Emploi Vendor Manager

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Retail Vendor Manager (DE)  

CLICHY, France (+1 localisation)

Be a business consultant to new vendors and provide insights and advice for them, being able to deal with different business profiles. Help new vendors to integrate their catalogue data into Amazon platform... Offres d'emploi de Vendor Manager...

de: handicap-job.com (+1 source) - il y a 20 jours

Consultez aussi: Transport PublicGestion Transport
Manager SI Achats SAP Ariba | CDI | H/F  

PwC - Neuilly-sur-Seine, France

Les + de l'équipe PwC Des projets "cutting edge" chez nos clients de renom que nous adressons avec un positionnement historique Business Integrator complété dorénavant par un positionnement Value Integrator... Annonces d'emploi de Vendor Manager... Competitive

de: eFinancialCareers.fr - il y a 3 jours

Consultez aussi: Projet TransportTransport Routier
Voir plus: Emploi Conseil
Sr. Analyst, Energy Purchasing  

Saint-Gobain - Malvern

Energy Supply Management: Physical Supply Contracting, On-site Solar/Renewables/Distributed Generation Contracting (PPAs) & Deployment, Analysis & Sourcing of Emerging Energy Technology Bachelor's degree... strategic vendor manager...

de: agefiph.fr - il y a 4 jours

Consultez aussi: Alternance Supply ChainSenior
Engineering DC Operations Facility Manager  

ORLY, France

• Responsible for the onsite management of shift technicians, senior shift technicians, sub-contractors and vendors, ensuring that all work performed is in accordance with AWS practices and procedures... vendor manager commerce...

de: handicap-job.com - il y a 10 jours

Consultez aussi: Equipe MagasinSolutions Transport
Senior Instock & Supply Chain Manager, FR Books  

CLICHY, France (+1 localisation)

At Amazon Books we believe reading is essential for a healthy society; our mission is to inspire readers by making it easy to read more and get more out of reading. Everyone in our team has a meaningful... goods vendor manager...

de: handicap-job.com (+1 source) - il y a 13 jours

Consultez aussi: Supply ChainMaterials
Alternance - Siège social - Achats IT  

AIR LIQUIDE - Paris (75)

L'équipe des Achats IT est en charge au niveau mondial de l'élaboration des stratégies de catégories (Software, End User Services, Telecom, Outsourcing), de l'accompagnement achats des projets IT, de la... category manager vendor manager...

de: agefiph.fr - il y a 12 jours

Consultez aussi: Gestion MagasinGlobal
Sr. Category Manager, Indirect Site Purchasing  

Saint-Gobain - Malvern

Maintain an understanding of industry purchasing best practices, sustainability and technology trends and continually educate team members and business partners; effectively communicate applicable industry... vendor manager gestionnaire fournisseurs...

de: agefiph.fr - il y a 12 jours

Consultez aussi: Manager MaterialsEtudiant 2
Buyer Capex - Dunkerque  

ArcelorMittal Treasury - DUNKERQUE - Nord

Handles the capex procurement process in coordination with the Project Manager, Lead Buyer and team (Lead User, etc.), from early definition of the purchasing strategy until completion of contract execution... vendor manager f...

de: Directemploi.com - il y a 5 jours

Lead Buyer Capex - Dunkerque  

ArcelorMittal Treasury - DUNKERQUE - Nord

We are looking for a Lead Buyer Capex to handle the CAPEX procurement process in coordination with the Project Manager, Lead Buyer and team (Lead User, etc.), from early definition of the purchasing strategy... vendor manager f retail...

de: Directemploi.com - il y a 5 jours

Consultez aussi: Chain ManagementLogistics Manager
Procurement Specialist  

Suez - Itá

Suez Italy is looking for a Procurement Specialist to assist in ensuring all tasks between Suez Italy and its Suppliers are negotiated, created, and managed effectively and efficiently. Will work closely... vendor manager grocery...

de: agefiph.fr - il y a 23 jours

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Vendor Manager