Emploi Staff Architect

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Staff Software Architect (f/m)  

Ledger - Paris

Founded in 2014, Ledger is the global platform for digital assets and Web3. Over 20% of the world's crypto assets are secured through our Ledger Nanos. Headquartered in Paris and Vierzon, with offices... Offres d'emploi de Staff Architect...

de: lesjeudis.com - il y a 25 jours

Network & Security Engineer (M/F/NB)  

D-EDGE Hospitality Solutions - Paris

Figures : D-EDGE Is the European No1 and World No3 hotel distribution technology provider in hospitality. With a team of more than 500 experts located in over 20 countries, D-EDGE provides localized support... Annonces d'emploi de Staff Architect...

de: glassdoor.com - il y a 2 jours

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Staff Architect