Emploi Research Biology Oncology

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Senior Chemical Risk Assessor (M/F)  

LNS - Laboratoire National de Santé - Dudelange, Luxembourg

The LNS is a major player in Luxembourg’s healthcare sector, serving the country’s patients, doctors and hospitals. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the LNS is a multidisciplinary... Offres d'emploi de Research Biology Oncology...

de: moovijob.com - il y a 2 jours

Nurse (M/F)  

LNS - Laboratoire National de Santé - Dudelange, Luxembourg

The LNS is a major player in Luxembourg’s healthcare sector, serving the country’s patients, doctors and hospitals. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the LNS is a multidisciplinary... Annonces d'emploi de Research Biology Oncology...

de: moovijob.com - il y a 2 jours

Clinical Laboratory Geneticist / Cytogeneticist / Biologist (m/f)  

LNS - Laboratoire National de Santé - Dudelange, Luxembourg

In particular, in the field of diagnostics, the LNS covers the following fields of application: medical biology, microbiology, forensic medicine, environmental medicine, morphological and molecular pathology...

de: moovijob.com - il y a 25 jours

Geneticist – MD/MD-PhD specialized in molecular genetics (m/f)  

LNS - Laboratoire National de Santé - Dudelange, Luxembourg

In particular, in the field of diagnostics, the LNS covers the following fields of application: medical biology, microbiology, forensic medicine, environmental medicine, morphological and molecular pathology...

de: moovijob.com - il y a 28 jours

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Research Biology Oncology