Emploi Pre Sales Consultant

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Technical Pre-sales Consultant (M/F)  

Harry Hope. - Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Our client, a leading center of expertise specializing in cybersecurity, cryptography, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), identity security (eTravel documents and Digital ID Wallets), biometrics, and artificial... Offres d'emploi de Pre Sales Consultant...

de: moovijob.com - Hier

Managing Partner, IT Strategy, Telecoms, La Défense  

TN France - 75001 Paris, Paris, France (+4 localisations)

Within the Digital Connected Company & Innovation, we focus on helping our clients unlock the value within data. To support our unit, we are looking for a data architect who can help our customers to build... Annonces d'emploi de Pre Sales Consultant...

de: goldenbees.fr - il y a 2 jours

Technical Account Manager (EMEA ISV), ES - EMEA-ISV South  

COURBEVOIE, France (+1 localisation)

https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/customers/?aws-support-customers-cards.sort-by=item.additionalFields.sortOrder&aws-support-customers-cards.sort-order=desc&awsf.industry=*all&awsf.region=*all&awsf... pre sales consultant france...

de: handicap-job.com (+1 source) - il y a 23 jours

Principal Technical Consultant - IT Asset Management  

ServiceNow - Issy-les-Moulineaux

The Principal Technical Consultant for Technology Workflows is a technical responsible for guiding clients through the implementation of ServiceNow's IT Asset Management (ITAM)solutions. This role focuses... technical pre sales consultant...

de: lesjeudis.com - il y a 5 jours

Senior Technical Consultant - Customer Workflows  

ServiceNow - Issy-les-Moulineaux

The Senior Technical Consultant for Customer & Industry Workflows is a technical responsible for guiding clients through the implementation of ServiceNow's Customer Service Management (CSM) and Field Service... pre sales consultant france - Argenteuil...

de: lesjeudis.com - il y a 5 jours

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Pre Sales Consultant