Emploi Language Assistant

Offres de travail 1 - 5 de 5

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Bilingual (French) Executive Assistant  

BruntWork - Paris, France

Role Name: Bilingual (French) Executive Assistant Schedule: Part-time 25 hours a week Monday to Friday 7 AM to 12 PM Client Timezone: EST (Montreal, Canada) Client Overview Join a dynamic, growing company... Offres d'emploi de Language Assistant... 6.55

de: zoho.eu - il y a 3 jours

Office assistant M/F  

Hays Luxembourg - Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Our client, a company specialized in fund management, is looking for an Office assistant who speaks English and French fluently. This is a temporary contract. Arrange hotel and flight reservations. Manage... Annonces d'emploi de Language Assistant...

de: moovijob.com - il y a 24 jours

Profitability and Internal Pricing Associate  

CA CIB Americas - United States, US

The Financial Steering and ALM Division is responsible for, the following product lines: Profit and Internal Pricing (PIP), Financial Analysis, and Assets and Liabilities Management (ALM) within Crédit... language assistant assistant pedagogique...

de: linkfinance.fr - Ajoutée il y a plus de 30 jours

Hôte d'accueil - Language Assistant (24H) F/H  

Wall Street English - Paris

Wall Street English est un organisme de formation en anglais, présent dans plus de 28 pays avec 440 centres, dont plus de 60 en France. Notre méthode pédagogique, conçue pour s'adapter au rythme de chaque... d'accueil language assistant f... 1 k € (Estimation de l'employeur)

de: glassdoor.com - il y a 16 jours

Executive Assistant to the CEO and Executive Committee  

BEAUMIER - Challes

Beaumier is a vision of lifestyle hotels where people and nature are at the heart of our exclusive destinations in Europe. At Beaumier, we bring together talented people around the same passion: taking... language assistant paris...

de: glassdoor.com - il y a 21 jours

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Language Assistant