Emploi Informatique - Télécom - Johannesburg

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UI/UX Test Analyst  

Expleo - Johannesbourg (JHB)

Accountability - We are reliable. We celebrate our successes, we take responsibility and learn from our failures. This is why we protect our "right to fail" as an opportunity to bounce back and progress...

de: agefiph.fr - il y a 16 jours

Senior Java Developer  

Expleo - Johannesbourg (JHB)

The successful candidate will be responsible for developing and integrating server-side web applications, enterprise web services, and APIs to support business-critical applications. You will play a key...

de: agefiph.fr - il y a 18 jours

Software Developer II  

Expleo - Johannesbourg (JHB)

This role involves developing and maintaining applications, ensuring system performance, and integrating third-party services. The ideal candidate will also have experience working in Azure and Unix environments...

de: agefiph.fr - il y a 24 jours

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