Emploi History

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History and geography teacher for the British international section (H/F)  

Vauban - Luxembourg, Luxembourg

L’ambition de l’Etablissement est celle d’un enseignement rigoureux, plurilingue et innovant porté par une équipe bienveillante et ouverte à la pluralité des profils des élèves au service de la meilleure... Offres d'emploi de History...

de: moovijob.com - Ajoutée il y a plus de 30 jours

Voir plus: Emploi Enseignement
Director of Holy Child Network of Schools  


Reporting to the Board of Trustees for Holy Child Network of Schools, the Director assists in and facilitates the work of the Network Board in carrying out its responsibilities for the ongoing development... Annonces d'emploi de History...

de: jobleads.fr - Ajoutée il y a plus de 30 jours

Maîtres-Assistants (teaching positions) in Educational Sciences  

Université du Luxembourg - Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

People from across 20 disciplines are working within the Faculty . Along with the disciplinary approach a very ambitious interdisciplinary research culture has been developed. The faculty's research and... teacher history...

de: moovijob.com - Ajoutée il y a plus de 30 jours

Curriculum Developer, 2 Hour Learning (Remote) - $100,000/year USD  

Crossover - Paris

We're seeking a visionary Curriculum Developer to harness AI and transform social studies education. If you can make the Silk Road as exciting as the latest tech trend and bring ancient civilizations to... history data manager...

de: glassdoor.com - il y a 5 jours

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