Emploi Head Marketing Platform

Offres de travail 1 - 4 de 4

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Senior Associate, Product Marketing - SBS- Paris  

75000, France

You back up strategic insights with market evidence and then use that knowledge to drive the development of positioning and messaging that resonates with buyers and empowers our sales channels to be successful... Offres d'emploi de Head Marketing Platform...

de: handicap-job.com - il y a 18 jours

Product Owner Marketing Cloud  

CMA CGM - Marseille

We are looking to strengthen the current Product Owner team on the Digital Marketing topic. As the Product Owner for the NOVA eMarketing platform (based on Salesforce Marketing Cloud), you report to our... Annonces d'emploi de Head Marketing Platform...

de: lesjeudis.com - il y a 12 jours

Senior Associate, Product Marketing - SBS- Paris  

Paris (75)

In collaboration with the Product Managers, Product Strategists, Demand function, Operational Marketing, Communications and the Sales Representatives you will be responsible for launching, maintaining...

de: Meteojob.com - il y a 18 jours

Product Marketing Manager - SBS- Paris  

Paris (75)

In collaboration with the Product Managers, Product Strategists, Demand function, Operational Marketing, Communications and the Sales Representatives you will be responsible for launching, maintaining...

de: Meteojob.com - il y a 18 jours

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Head Marketing Platform