Emploi Head Intelligence

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Data Scientist - Digital Platform for PRO - H/F  

ADEO Services - Ronchin (59)

ADEO s'est lancée dans la conquête de nouveaux horizons. L'un des principaux est le développement du commerce BtoB et des PROS. Les clients professionnels (architectes, artisans, dépanneurs, jardiniers... Offres d'emploi de Head Intelligence...

de: agefiph.fr - il y a 4 jours

Head of Artificial Intelligence Go-To-Market, Google Cloud  

Google - Paris

You will provide insights in evolving AI landscape, and will be instrumental in driving innovation and solidifying Google Cloud's leadership in the AI-driven future of work.You will grow AI business across... Annonces d'emploi de Head Intelligence...

de: lesjeudis.com - il y a 23 jours

AI Head of Discipline F/H  

THALES - Paris

Votre quotidienThales Digital Factory s'inscrit dans le programme de transformation de Thales qui a pour ambition de devenir un acteur incontournable et exemplaire du digital sur l'ensemble de ses marchés...

de: lesjeudis.com - il y a 8 jours

Performance Management & Business Intelligence Senior Analyst  

AXA Group - Puteaux

The headquarters of the AXA Group (GIE AXA) brings together our corporate activities. It provides guidance and support to subsidiaries around the world, to ensure the coordination and monitoring of the...

de: lesjeudis.com - il y a 26 jours

Head of Cyber Defence Center  

CMA CGM - Marseille

The Head of Cyber Defense Center leads key cybersecurity functions, including Cyber Threat Intelligence, Vulnerability Management, Security Operations Center (SOC), and Incident Response. This role ensures...

de: lesjeudis.com - il y a 28 jours

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Head Intelligence