Emploi German Content Manager

Offres de travail 1 - 5 de 5

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Communication officer  

Université du Luxembourg - Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

All qualified individuals are encouraged to apply. In line with our values, the University of Luxembourg promotes an inclusive culture. We encourage applications from individuals of all backgrounds and... Offres d'emploi de German Content Manager...

de: moovijob.com - il y a 2 jours

Stage– Trade Marketing Suisse - Irlande H/F  

Laboratoire SVR - Ile-de-France, France

A reference in the dermo-cosmetic world, Laboratoire SVR has been formulating, manufacturing, and distributing the most concentrated dermatological skincare products for over 50 years. Our products are... Annonces d'emploi de German Content Manager...

de: jobteaser.com - il y a 11 jours

Regional Content Manager, Amazon Ads  

CLICHY, France (+1 localisation)

Work with the enterprise marketing lead to build a content strategy that takes the foundation of global strategic messages and builds in region specific customer needs and nuances to communicate the benefits...

de: handicap-job.com (+1 source) - il y a 26 jours

EMEA Programs Manager - Paris  

HY Legal Services LTD - Paris

We are an outsourcing company that has clients in Europe, USA and Asia. We are seeking an EMEA Programs Manager to work in one of our valued client offices in Paris. Our client is a social media video...

de: glassdoor.com - il y a 5 jours

Linguistic Content Manager  

Cercle des Langues - Saint-Ouen

Our modules are completed on desktop but also on mobile. Your job will be to enhance the mobile user experience, to make sure student module completion significantly increases. Our partner LMS is 360Learning...

de: glassdoor.com - il y a 24 jours

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German Content Manager