Emploi Data Protection Leader

Offres de travail 1 - 5 de 5

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Head of compliance (F/M)  

Worldline - Blois, France

The role ensures that appropriate compliance processes are in place across Business Lines' entities worldwide to meet the compliance Global standards, policies and international regulatory requirements... Offres d'emploi de Data Protection Leader... Competitive

de: eFinancialCareers.fr - il y a 23 jours

Voir plus: Emploi Finance
Head of Compliance  

Crédit Agricole - Montréal (11) (+1 localisation)

Reporting to the CACIB Americas Chief Compliance Officer, the Head of Compliance CASO will be primarily in charge of deploying and ensuring that the CASO's compliance framework is in line with local regulatory... Annonces d'emploi de Data Protection Leader...

de: agefiph.fr (+1 source) - il y a 24 jours

Data Protection Officer  

Blockchain.com - Paris

This person will play a key role in helping the business build a globally sustainable, long-term compliance focused culture. They will have a rigorous, thorough, and pragmatic approach to compliance, and...

de: glassdoor.com - il y a 18 jours

Data Governance Expert | HT2025PM0202  

Mindverse Consulting Services - Paris

A Data Governance Expert plays a crucial role in managing and overseeing an organization's data assets. Here's a summary of their key responsibilities: Ø Develop and implement an enterprise-wide data governance...

de: lesjeudis.com - il y a 17 jours

Data Protection & Compliance Lawyer  

BIC - Clichy

We strive to provide a comprehensive benefits package that supports the well-being and professional growth of our team members. As a member of Team BIC, you'll have access to a range of benefits designed...

de: lesjeudis.com - il y a 25 jours

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Data Protection Leader