Emploi Cloud Platform Management

Offres de travail 1 - 10 de 293

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Architecte Étude Cloud Management Platform H/F  

Labsoft - 31000 Toulouse, FR

En tant qu'Architecte Étude Cloud Management Platform, vous serez en charge de concevoir, analyser et optimiser les solutions Cloud au sein d'un environnement privé. Vous travaillerez sur l'ensemble des... Offres d'emploi de Cloud Platform Management...

de: jobposting.pro - il y a 20 jours

Consultez aussi: CloudIT Management
Head of Data Science - Europe (Basé à Paris)  

Zifo RnD Solutions - 94270 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, Val-de-Marne, France (+4 localisations)

We’re seeking an experienced, motivated, enthusiastic, and curious person with a solid understanding of Data Science and Data Management to grow our Services and Solutions business with a core focus on... Annonces d'emploi de Cloud Platform Management...

de: goldenbees.fr - il y a 9 jours

Technical Account Manager, ES - EMEA-Partner  

Saint-Denis, Île-de-France, France (+2 localisations)

AWS Sales, Marketing, and Global Services (SMGS) is responsible for driving revenue, adoption, and growth from the largest and fastest growing small- and mid-market accounts to enterprise-level customers...

de: jobleads.fr - il y a 15 jours

Quantitative Developer - Execution Analytics  

Paris, Île-de-France, France

Qube Research & Technologies (QRT) is a global quantitative and systematic investment manager, operating in all liquid asset classes across the world. We are a technology and data driven group implementing...

de: jobleads.fr - il y a 9 jours

Consultez aussi: Management SystemProjet
ALTERNANCE - Ingenieur devops cloud management platform H/F  

Crédit Agricole Group Infrastructure Platform - Montpellier, France

Travailler chez CA-GIP, c'est être acteur de la transformation du groupe Crédit Agricole et de ses métiers. C'est travailler dans une entreprise technologique de 1er plan en Europe, au service des Entités...

de: jobteaser.com (+1 source) - il y a 26 jours

Technical Account Manager (EMEA ISV), ES - EMEA-ISV South  

Courbevoie, Île-de-France, France

As a Technical Account Manager (TAM) in AWS Enterprise Support ISV segment (AWS customer who sells software solutions (often SaaS) built using AWS services), you will have a direct impact in helping our...

de: jobleads.fr - il y a 13 jours

Consultez aussi: Architecte Cloud PlatformSolution
Technical Account Manager - FR Based  


We provide the DevOps automation platform built to empower developers. From cloud infrastructure provisioning to production deployment, Qovery streamlines every step, enabling faster delivery, simplified...

de: jobleads.fr - il y a 24 jours

Consultez aussi: Solutions CloudClient Solutions
CLOUD FORWARD : Quels leviers pour un cloud responsable ?  

Wavestone - Paris (75)

Wavestone est un cabinet de conseil, qui a pour mission d'accompagner les entreprises et organisations dans leurs transformations stratégiques dans un monde en constante évolution, avec l'ambition de générer...

de: agefiph.fr - il y a 14 jours

Product Owner DATA  


Our entity Eml Data Intelligence (EDI) is looking for its Product Owner Data. You will be involved in data projects (Reporting, BI, Data Management, Big Data, Analytics) in a Cloud environment (Google...

de: jobleads.fr - il y a 14 jours

Consultez aussi: Cloud ServicesCloud Data
Technical Account Manager  


This is an incredible opportunity to be part of a company that has been at the forefront of AI and high-performance data storage innovation for over two decades. DataDirect Networks (DDN) is a global market...

de: jobleads.fr - il y a 25 jours

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Cloud Platform Management